Māori rock art is a unique and amazing aspect of our local mana whenua history – we want to protect it so that the generations to come can appreciate and enjoy it as we do today. At Te Ana we’re focused on sharing this tribal taonga with as many young people as we can. It’s all about kaitiakitanga (guardianship) – we want to grow a new generation of rock art guardians. We want our children, and our children’s children, to understand how important these special places are, and to take an active role in their care throughout their lives. In doing so we honour mana of the rock art, and our ancestors that created these stunning works of art.

Te Ana has an exciting education programme focused on the rock art of our region and the rich Ngāi Tahu whānui history and culture that surrounds it. From early childhood, through to high school and beyond, we have a range of exciting hands-on activities that engage children in their local history in creative and stimulating ways. Our new Enriching Local Curriculum (ELC) school programme is supported by the Ministry of Education, and has strong links to guiding documents i.e., Aotearoa NZ’s Histories, the NZ Curriculum, Ka Hikitia, Tātaiko, Te Whāriki, and programmes can be tailored to meet the specific learning outcomes of ākonga. Activities are based at either Te Ana, your kura or centre, or at the rock art caves at Ōpihi, and are led by our local Ngāi Tahu whānui guides.

For inquiries email [email protected] or phone 03 684 9141.